Zombie Dust pours a light, hazy amber with a small off-white head. The beer's scent is amazing. As soon as the lid is popped open, the smell of flowery hops and grapefruit peel surround you. Pouring the beer into a glass just allows more of this seductive scent to waft to your nose. The light scent of sugar and fruits can be perceived once the initial hop bouquet fades. There is also an herbal quality to the smell though I can't place it specifically.

Zombie Dust tastes much as it smells. There is an extremely prevalent flavor of citrus thanks to the Citra hops used in the brew by Three Floyds. The main citrus flavor is grapefruit with a bit of a tangerine flavor as well. All the hops in the beer give it a nice bitterness that is balanced by a strong malt backing, keeping the bitterness from becoming overwhelming. In addition to the citrus, mango can be tasted in the brew as well.
I first tried Zombie Dust before I was a major beer lover. Even then, in my unfamiliarity with beer, I could tell that this beer was a great one. In fact, I would go so far as to say that this beer is responsible for my growing interest in beer tasting and, as such, holds a special place in my beer heart.
Overall, Zombie Dust makes for a great beer drinking experience. The large amount of hops in the brew might turn off newer beer drinkers due to their bitterness, but it is definitely worth trying. If you ever get a chance to try Zombie Dust I highly recommend it!
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