
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Mischief Gingerbread Stout - Samuel Adams

    I hope that everyone is having a happy holiday season! I received this 22oz bomber as part of a four-set of Samuel Adams "Small Batch" series from Santa. I assume that this series of beer releases is Boston Beer Company's response to the general idea held by beer fans that they are no longer a "craft" brewing company. I have had a few beers in the series (reviews to come) and I have to admit that they taste little like Samuel Adams's normal line of beers, which I feel all taste very similar to one another. If you are not familiar with the Samuel Adams lines of beers, they are made by Boston Beer Company which is located in Boston, Massachusetts.

    This stout pours a thick, dark black with a thick tan head. The brew smells pleasantly of spices and molassesy sweetness with a hint of alcohol at the end which strikes me as slightly unpleasant.      

Merry Mischief Gingerbread Stout touts an alcohol content of 9% ABV. This high alcohol percentage is noticeable in the flavor of the beer, though the flavor is more warming than harsh. I feel that this beer would likely fall into the category of winter warmers due to this warmth. The flavors of cinnamon, cloves, and ginger of traditional gingerbread are immediately perceptible, but thankfully not overpowering. A sweet maltyness that one would expect from a stout follows the initial spice. The beer has an overall earthy flavor that is quite nice.

    The mouthfeel of the beer is thick and smooth, exactly what I'd want from a stout. The carbonation level is also very nice at about a medium-low level which adds to the smoothness.

    The label leads me to believe that either A.) The gingerbread flavor found in this beer is due to the need to find a use for all the accidental gingerbread man amputations, or B.) that it is highly dangerous to drink and drive a sled. Either way, that third gingerbread man should have kept his arms and legs inside the car at all times. I think that it may be a wise life choice for him to find a new set of friends as well. Those two in the front there appear to be laughing at his injury. I mean, he has to be yelling, and they'd have to hear him. Having a leg ripped off by a pine tree that you pass at high snow speeds would produce a scream that would likely cause an avalanche. There is only one conclusion, his friends are laughing at his pain! He should find friends that are a bit nicer...Or just let me eat him.

    Overall, Merry Mischief Gingerbread Stout is a very pleasant holiday brew. The alcohol flavor is the biggest detractor from the experience as it could have easily been mellowed by Boston Beer Company's brew-masters. This stout makes me want to curl up under a blanket with the lights off and admire the Christmas tree.

Amulets and Ale Rating

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