Monday, March 11, 2013

Guinness Draught - Guinness Ltd.

    Guinness Draught is an Irish Stout brewed by Guinness Ltd. which is located in Dublin, Ireland. The bottle encourages drinkers to "enjoy straight from the bottle" as the Draught line is meant to be as good from the bottle as if you had it poured at a pub.

    The Irish Stout pours a dark black with a large khaki head. There are a large number of noticeable bubbles which cling to the glass after pouring.

    Guinness Draught barely has any smell at all. What aroma there is smells of light malts.

    The "Stout" is actually very thin-bodied, and almost watery. There is a lot of carbonation in the beer, though it feels quite smooth.

    Unfortunately, the flavor in Guinness Draught is almost as non-existent as the aroma. The only flavor that can be perceived is a light roasted malt flavor. While Stouts usually have an alcohol content on the higher end of normal beers, this draught contains only 4.2% ABV. Higher alcohol contents usually signify greater amounts of malts used during fermentation, so this low alcohol content could easily be taken as a sign of a lack of flavor.

    I am extremely disappointed in the lack of flavor in this beer. I have had Guinness Stout before and know that it has much more flavor than this version of the beer does. I have no idea why Guinness would allow this beer to be sold with their name on it. The only reason I can think of for it to be named Guinness Draught would be that there is such a drought of flavor in the beer.

    With bottles of the Guinness Stout and Extra Stout being extremely common, I can't see why anyone would purchase this beer. I almost feel as though this was brewed for people who don't enjoy beer in order for them to have a type of the famous Guinness Stout which they too can enjoy.

Amulets and Ale Rating:

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