
Friday, April 12, 2013

Old Man Winter Ale - Southern Tier Brewing Company

    Old Man Winter Ale is an Old Ale brewed by the Southern Tier Brewing Company which is located in Lakewood, New York. Old Ales get their name from the sometimes long-term storage seen by the beer in much older times. The modern Winter Warmer style of beer is extremely similar to the Old Ale style.

    This beer was donated to Amulets and Ale by Emily Hohman as a part of a New York beer selection. I saw the beer in the back of the refrigerator and figured that since winter is quickly leaving, and that today is a cold, rainy day, that Old Man Winter Ale would be the perfect beer to review.

    The Old Ale pours a deep amber color with a nice foamy head on top which leaves some spotty lacing on the glass as it fades. This is really a pretty colored ale to look at.

    The beer smells sweetly of toffee and roasted malts. There is only a slight floral scent of hops to the ale. There is a somewhat boozy smell to the ale as well.
Best served in a cup made of pure ice.

    Old Man Winter Ale is medium bodied with a low level of carbonation which makes for a creamy beer. There is a slight alcohol warmth to the ale which comes in at 7% ABV.

    Southern Tier's Old Ale's flavor starts out sweet and ends bitter. Roasty malt flavors are briefly featured before the surprising bitterness takes over. There is an unpleasant, almost astringent, boozyness to the beer which detracts from the overall experience.

    Old Man Winter Ale is definitely a hoppier Old Ale than I have had before. I don't mind the bitterness to the beer, but I would prefer that the malt side of things be a little more robust. Not only would it play better into the balance of bitter and sweet, but it would also do a better job of masking the boozy smell and taste of alcohol in the beer.

    Overall, Old Man Winter Ale is a pretty cool beer.  Honestly, icy why people make such a big deal about this beer and plow through in a flurry to pick it up. Snow no matter what you're looking for in a winter beer, Old Man Ale's got you covered. Don't be a flake and try this beer before you're overcome by an avalanche of its fans!

Amulets and Ale Rating:

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