
Monday, May 6, 2013

Bell's Best Brown Ale - Bell's Brewery Inc.

    Bell's Best Brown Ale is a Brown Ale created by Bell's Brewery Inc. which is located in Kalamazoo, Michigan. This specific beer was donated to Amulets and Ale by Cale Nearing.

    The beer pours a dark garnet-brown with a large brown head that leaves a good amount of lacing on the glass.

    The Brown Ale smells like toasty malts as well as an almost metallic smell.

    The ale is medium bodied with a medium level of carbonation. The beer is very smooth and creamy.

    The Brown Ale's flavor is mainly sweet. Toasty malts and cocoa flavors predominate, with a slight hops bitterness to balance the sweetness. There is a sweet, almost caramel flavor to the beer as well. There is no alcohol warmth or flavor to the ale, which at 5.8 ABV is not surprising.

    I find the label choice for this beer interesting. Anyone who has ever seen an owl knows that their eyes are open WAY too wide to have consumed any alcohol. From strictly scientific observation of my friends while they drink, I have learned that eyes become more and more squinty as alcohol is consumed. If anything, owls are addicted to coffee. I mean, they're nocturnal, right? Up all night chasing (small woodland creature) tail, eyes wide and extremely alert. You can't tell me that these things aren't hopped up on caffeine. I would also like to comment on the fact that the owl on the bottle is looking at you somewhat condescendingly. He even has one eyebrow raised, as if to say, you're going to drink My beer? I don't know about you, but I don't really like elitist, caffeine addicted owls.

    Bell's Best Brown Ale is not at all a bad beer. In fact, I've never had a Bell's beer that wasn't serviceable. Unfortunately, I find this beer to be a very average Brown Ale, which is fine for a night of drinking, but if I were to look for a tasty treat of a Brown Ale, this would not be it.

Amulets and Ale Rating:

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