
Monday, July 8, 2013

LowRYEder IPA - SweetWater Brewing Company

    LowRYEder IPA is SweetWater Brewing Company's (Atlanta, Georgia) take on a Rye India Pale Ale. The SweetWater website proclaims that their beer is made with a massive 25% shot of rye malts in addition to the normal malts found in beers.

    The Rye IPA pours a hazy orange color and creates a thin off-white head with low retention, though high lacing.

    The beer smells mainly of citrus hops with other fruits more subtly present. There is an earthy, grassy smell to the beer as well as a slight spice, presumably from the rye.

    LowRyeder is slightly thicker than medium bodied and has a medium level of carbonation. The carbonation seems to quickly fade \to a lower lever, however. At 6.2% ABV, LowRyeder has only the slightest bit of alcohol character, mainly just a slight warmth.

LowRYEder mobile! Is is still illegal if alcohol itself drives?
    SweetWater's Rye IPA is bitter right up front, though it quickly mellows out thanks to sweet caramel malts. The rye flavors come in towards the end with a bit of a peppery spice. Pine and grapefruit flavors from the hops accompany the beer's bitterness, as do slight tropical fruit flavors.

    I've never really understood low riders. To me, they look a bit like someone blew up a child's toy car to full size. I can't image that the vehicles are very practical. I mean, can you drive over railroad tracks, or any bumps at all really, without ripping off your bumper? Regardless, LowRYEder is much less silly of a beer than lowriders are vehicles. I do find myself wishing that SweetWater's Rye IPA had a bit more of a rye flavor, but overall everything is quite balanced. LowRYEder falls on the much sweeter side of American IPAs though, so don't go in expecting a classic IPA.

Amulets and Ale Rating:

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