
Friday, September 27, 2013

Silverback Pale Ale - Wynkoop Brewing Company

    Silverback is an American Pale Ale brewed by Wynkoop Brewing Company in Denver, Colorado. It's important to mention that this release actually benefits the Mountain Gorilla Conservation Fund. 
With each purchase of this beer, money is donated to help save mountain gorillas.

    Silverback pours a hazy, light orange. The ale has a massive head with great retention that would make even gorillas proud. Thick lacing stays on the glass as the beer goes down.

    The Pale Ale smells of piney hops with a slight bit of floral hops scent as well. There is a slight spiciness to the ale's scent as well, likely from the grains of paradise used in brewing and mentioned by the label. A light, yeasty scent is also present.

    Silverback is medium bodied with a high level of carbonation. A very high level of carbonation. In fact, it feels like the beer turns to foam as soon as it enters my mouth, making swallowing difficult-- not pleasant. The Pale Ale has an alcohol content of 5.5% ABV. 
"Helping" Mountain Gorillas

    Silverback's flavor is very hops forward. Resinous, piney hops flavors attack the palette at first, followed by the interesting spiciness and mild, sweet malts. The ale finishes quite dry, but leaves a bitter aftertaste in your mouth. The ale's bitterness is too high for my liking, with such a small amount of malt sweetness to balance it out.

    On one hand, I think it's pretty cool that money is donated to a wildlife charity with every purchase of this beer. On the other hand, I'm almost insulted on the gorillas' behalf that Wynkoop didn't make a better tasting beer that would sell better than this one. If I were a gorilla, I would drink something else first, then drink a bunch of Silverback Pale Ales and throw the cans at the brewery windows. Sure they're not heavy enough to break the window, but they'll make a lot of noise, oh yeah, AND THERE ARE FREAKING GORILLAS OUTSIDE THEIR WINDOW! That should be more than enough of a protest.

Amulets and Ale Rating:

1 comment:

  1. Good news for the gorillas!
    The Rockyard Brewing Company in Castle Rock, CO is now brewing Silverback Pale Ale. The formula has changed some and is a much tastier beer. I'm sure the gorilla will be much happier with this change.
    Give is a try again and lets help save some gorillas this weekend.
