
Monday, April 1, 2013

April Fools! Bud Light - Anheuser-Busch, Inc.

    Here is is folks, a monster of a beer among mere villagers. Bud Light is a Light Lager brewed by the great people at Anheuser-Busch, Inc. located in St. Louis, Missouri. Bud Light is probably the best known beer in the US, and likely the most popular as well. Lets see if the beer can live up to its massive reputation!

    Bud Light pours a pale straw-gold color. The bright hue reminds me of the fairy tale in which Rumplestiltskin spins straw into gold. This is exactly what the brewers did with this beer. A rich foamy head forms right at pouring before retreating back into the glass as if the bubbles themselves cannot wait to get at the liquid gold.

    The Light Lager smells wonderfully light and slightly sweet, as if the purest water were graced with a slight touch of malts and the leaf of a hops flower were gently swirled on the surface of the beer.

    Bud Light has the light, delicate body of a Russian ballet dancer. If the ancient gods of Greece drank, this would be their water. The bubbles dance about your tongue like thousands of tiny pleasure sprites. The experience can barely be conveyed through words.

Ambrosia of the gods.
    The beer has such a light flavor that it is as though you are drinking an ancient healing tea, and surely this beer must have its own healing properties! I have never tasted something so refreshing. Subtle malt flavors play contrast to the light flavors of a mountain stream with only the slightest hops flavor coming through, as if the grass growing beside the stream donated some of their herbal freshness to the brew.

    I cannot imagine a beer that I would rather enjoy on a hot summer day. A lot of people will argue with me, but I honestly find that Bud Light is the best summer re-hydration drink on earth. Keep your iced tea, lemonade, sports drinks, I'll always choose to drink this liquid gold.

    I can only imagine that this beer was named for a master brewer named Bud. There must have been a day of brilliance in his life that he came up with this beer. You could say that a light bulb appeared over his head and the greatest beer on earth was born. This is where the name came from, Bud's Light. The apostrophe and the s were later removed as they made marketing a little more difficult, since everyone who tries this beer wants to believe that it is his or her own, not some guy named Bud's.

    Overall, Bud Light pleases me like no craft brew ever could. When it's hot outside and you're thirsty, nothing is better than popping open one of these great inventions of mankind. I would highly recommend this beer to anyone on earth. If aliens came down right now, I'd recommend it to them as well. It would be the most peaceful encounter ever and they would surely marvel at what great creators of art humans are. A great beer all around!

Amulets and Ale Rating:

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