
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Wee Mac - Sun King Brewing Company

    Wee Mac is a Scottish Style Ale created by Sun king Brewing Company which is located in Indianapolis, Indiana. Wee Mac is one of the three standard beers that Sun King makes year-round. I purchased a growler of this beer when I visited the brewery this past weekend. It is notable that Sun King's beers appear in cans, as opposed to the nearly standard bottles. This is a new trend that I highly approve of.

    Wee Mac pours a reddish-brown color, which is almost ruby in hue. There is around one finger of khaki head that forms after pouring. Unfortunately I took a picture of the beer after the head dissipated.

    The Scottish Style Ale smells sweetly of caramel and toffee. There is a noticeably toastyness to the malts smelled.

   The Ale is thin bodied with a huge level of carbonation. Together, the body and carbonation make for a foamy, yet creamy mouthfeel. At 5.4% ABV, Wee Mac presents no alcohol character whatsoever.
This growler actually looks like it's growling!

    Sun King's Scottish Ale is quite sweet. Toffee and caramel notes are present just as the nose suggested. There is not nearly as much roasty flavor as the scent hinted at, however. There is an almost earthy flavor to the ale which might well be smoked peat, which is used in some renditions of the Scottish Style Ales. There is a sweet, maltyness that lingers long after the beer is swallowed.

    It is a little known fact that Wee Mac is actually a character from a Scottish legend. The legend speaks of a tiny man named Macinzie who saves a highland village from an English raid using only his wits and a wooden fork. Needless to say, it is a forking bloody battle. In fact, at the time the English uniform consisted of pure white pants and jackets. After Wee Mac destroyed the raiders, their jackets were so bloody that they were stained completely red. The English army from then on changed their uniforms to red coats and white pants in remembrance of their fallen brethren. (Note, the facts of this story have not been verified)

    Wee Mac is a more lightly flavored Scottish Style ale than others I have had in the past. I expect this style of ale to be a little bit fuller bodied and flavored. While I do think that this is probably the best beer brewed by Sun King, I definitely don't think that it is a mind-blowing Scottish Ale.

Amulets and Ale Rating:

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