The Porter pours a dark black color which lets very little light pass through the glass. A finger of khaki head can be seen after pouring with no lacing on the glass being apparent.
The beer smells lightly of coffee and cocoa. There is a huge roasted malt scent and only the slightest bit of hops aroma.
Exodus is medium bodied with a medium-high level of carbonation. I would prefer the beer to have a bit lower carbonation as it would feel smoother rather than bubbly on the palette. The high level of bubbles does, however, make the body seem thicker than it would otherwise feel. The beer has an alcohol content of 5.9% ABV.
Three little beers, pitch by my doorstep, every little thing gonna be alright! |
Personally, I don't usually like Porters very much. The main thing that turns me off about them is their "blackness", or the amount that the beer tastes like coffee. I don't know why it bothers me, but I really don't like my beer to taste like coffee. Maybe it is the same reason that I have always hated the coffee flavored jelly beans. Exodus Porter actually comes off as pleasurable to me, even with its coffee flavor. The lightness of the flavors in the beer keep the coffee flavor from overwhelming me and I can still taste the roasty malts and chocolate flavors in it. Overall, not a bad showing from SweetWater Brewing Company.
Amulets and Ale Rating:
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You don't like "blackness"... beer racist!!